Frequently asked questions:

Train Strong

How much weight should I be lifting?

My general rule of thumb with weights is that you should start to feel fatigued by your third to last rep. You will notice over time that it will get easier and easier to do the workouts you’ve done in the past as your body adapts and gets stronger. You will then need to incrementally increase your weights over time.

Why do I feel fatigued all the time?

This is probably a mixture of things, not just training. Sleep, diet and exercise all play a crucial role in overall wellness. However, if it has gotten progressively worse as you’ve started training, you may be doing too much for your body to handle. I would cut back the volume for the next week, what I call a “deload”, and stick to lighter cardio with only two strength days. Listen to your body, it never lies.

How many days should I be strength training versus cardio training?

I always tell people two things: define your specific training goal & then train specifically for that goal. If your goal is to run a marathon, the majority of your training program should probably consist of running. If you are training to look good in a bikini for the summer, cardio should be an asset to a really killer strength training program. Each training system has its place and will compliment one another, but it depends on what the main goal is!

Eat Right

How do I control my cravings?

We will talk about this more in depth in our nutrition section of my program but curbing cravings consists of three main things: preparation, elimination, and determination. On my program, you will never be in a situation where you cannot enjoy the things you like to eat or drink but you will learn how to be committed to craving your goals over those things! 

Why am I not seeing progress in my mid-section?

We cannot target fat loss. We can train the core musculature but at the end of the day, the stubborn fat in the mid-section is typically controlled by diet. We cannot, I don't care who you are, burn fat without maintaining a calorie deficit. You may "lose weight" but that weight will consist of water or muscle mass if you aren't eating enough. The body is one big chemical equation, one kink in the chain of reactions can have an impact on everything else. I will also say that there is a huge difference between ‘seeing’ your core and ‘training’ your core.

Why am I always hungry?

Everyone is different. The first thing I would probably try to assess is your diet (water intake, protein quantity, too much sugar, etc). Our hunger cues are neurologically regulated by many different hormones trying to create a balanced energy system. So many things can be out of whack with this due to outside or emotional stressors. Once we identify any dietary concerns, I would assess physical activity levels and sleeping patterns which play an equally important role in relation to hunger.

I'm going on do I stay on track?                       

Simple. You decide to stay on track or you decide to go off track. This isn't a game that you need to play with yourself. If you want a break from the program, take a break. I feel like I get more rest, regulate my hormones, and re-balance my mind-body connection on vacations. This has a much greater impact on my health in the long run. If you decide to go off track, all I ask is that you do not come back and self-hate or criticize yourself for the decision you made to sway. We will get you back on track when you return. I also have many helpful tips on how to stay on track while vacationing if that is what you decide to do. 

What time should I have my last meal?

Nutrition is not a one size fits all. Unless you are a performance based athlete, body builder, or growing child, the timing of your food is irrelevant. At the end of the day, for whatever weight loss/gain goal you have, it depends on total calorie intake. I don't recommend eating too close to bed time because it can be uncomfortable laying down and we don't need high energy for the lowest energy output time in our day, but for some people and their jobs or lifestyle demands, this may be the only option. It is a case by case situation!


Recover Well

Should I be using recovery supplements?

Personally, I am a very low supplement person. I take protein to aid with muscle repair and regeneration but that is about it. If we are eating very nutrient dense foods, think colorful and wholesome, we typically get enough vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins to recover optimally on our own. 

How much sleep should I be getting?

Anywhere form 7-9 hours is optimal. This is also a very lofty goal for most people and our busy lives. Relaxing, taking 20 minute cat naps, and meditation are also helpful tools to use throughout the day.


What do I do on days I do not want to train?

Dig deep! By this I mean try to really identify the real reason behind not wanting to train. Is your body on overdrive? Are you feeling lazy? Maybe you didn't get enough sleep and feel fatigued? Make your decision based off of your best answer to those questions. I will say that on these days, (even as a trainer, I feel like this frequently), I have never regretted a workout after I've finished! Remember you are the only person responsible for your progress.


‘Νόσων φύσεις ἰητροί’

Nature is the physician(s) of diseases.
— Hippocrates